Project Details

Agape Bulldogs is a website that a friend paid an expensive designer to develop. It was a beautifully done website! Unfortunately it also cost a big chunk of change to have updates made by said designer. The site was static and not being used except to house the Puppy Inquiry form.
We offered to take a look and see if it was possible to update without breaking the design. The design was custom and very complicated. We did move it over to WordPress and Avada Website Builder to help make any sense of how to make even simple changes. We did our best to keep the original design intact. We did not want to lose the custom layout and features where ever it was possible to retain those and still make updates possible.
We don’t often get updates for the content but we have kept the site updated on a volunteer basis.
We upgraded to WordPress and a theme that allowed us to keep the original design of her website intact.
The current version of WordPress Blocks have simplified updating content. Before Blocks we had many trial and error attempts to keep the galleries sized and displayed correctly.