How Its Done

How Its Done

Work on websites flow from the beginning by deciding on a color palette, putting together the needed pages and setting up menus. Good photos for headers to represent what you want your visitors to know about your website. A new site requires buying a domain name and hosting. These are included in the initial purchase we quote and most of the time are bundled together in one transaction. Once the domain and host are processed then the uploading and installing can begin.

From the time we begin working on a site to going live on the internet it usually takes about 2 weeks.

If it is a redesign of an existing site and we get the host login information and can access the existing files and domain name it all goes pretty quickly. If there is a lost password or access to the account is hard to get then it takes a little longer.

In The Beginning

After Initial Contact

The clock starts ticking....

We begin to bring together our team

We start with your design

You provide us with your logo or a lenghty description of your goals and what you want your website to represent. We need to know if it is personal, business, club or organization.

Getting specific information to know what the structure of your pages and what they should say about the topic or topics we will cover for you.

  • Personal or business details for public consumption.

  • A photo is worth a 1000 words is so true! Photos tell the story and catch the attention of your visitors.

  • In order to create Contact forms we need to know the type of information you wish to gather from your visitors.



Its all hands on deck....

Putting the details together.

Your information and photos

Pages are created and the format of each page is kept uniform with color, font and layout. This helps visitors recognize your website when they come back. They feel like it is an old friend they are happy to visit.

Using interesting design features without overwhelming the senses will engage the visitors.

You are given several views of what we have layed out to know we are headed in the right direction



We get your approval

All the views are demonstrated

We want you to see it as your visitors will see it.

Time to Review

We ask for feedback on the overall look. Changes at this time are easy to make. Color adjustments, font types and your input on how we are dislaying the photos. Do the forms have the necessary information, do you need more details? All this is considered before we are finished.


Is now live!

We facilitate the move to live

The website will be live in about 48 hours after we receive you final approval. You will be able to view it and we will send you all the information on how to access the backend in order to make changes on your own.

If you need training on how to use the backend we will provide that on a schedule that works for both of us, either via video call or I can send you links and documents to help.