About Us

Who We Are At WebbSpots Designs

Who We Are at WebbSpots Designs

Twenty years ago our team developed its first website using very basic Hyper Text Markup Language, otherwise known as HTML. It was first introduced circa 1993. WebbSpots Designs began their journey by first creating a site as an experiment and for our own use. We then began helping individuals and local organizations to get started with a presence on the newly available World Wide Web. As one of the first web designers in our local area, we have been lucky enough to work with some energetic and prolific individuals. Many of them have been with us from the beginning, each site evolving and improving with the latest technologies.

Having over two decades of experience, our team understands that in today’s web presence our clients need to see some flair with easily read and understood content. They also require experienced advice and if wanted, training to help their story or organization develop to its full potential. WebbSpots Designs provides consulting and direction for all of our clients. We work with numerous partners and vendors to guarantee our web designing skills and training is always optimized for your needs.

Developing websites has evolved from only one version suitable for desktop viewing to having 3 ‘breakpoints’ to display content on different screen sizes. More than half the visitors to websites are now using their personal devices that display a site on a smaller screen. Creating a design that will display in a useful manner on a small device comes with its own challenges. There are a vast multitude of device screen sizes. Finding the ‘breakpoint’ that will fit the content to all those screen sizes is never guaranteed. Hitting the majority of those sizes is the goal. Finding that sweet spot to please each client is first and foremost!

We use cutting edge technology to emulate screen sizes as we develop your website. This enables us to more accurately display your website across the most common devices.

We are here to develop a website that tells your story.

As website designers, our goal is to help you identify your needs, clarify your goals, and develop a plan to achieve them with guidance and support.

Personal Websites

We specialize in working with clients to develop the website of their dreams!

Organization Websites

We have the experience to develop a website for your business or organization!

We make it easy to get started!

Fill out our contact form that asks the questions that will direct us to begin to work out what you see as your perfect design!

Happy Customers
Happy Customers